Is Your Facilities Team Mobile Yet?

June 10, 2015 By Mid-Atlantic Controls 3 minute read

85% of facility managers oversee more than one physical location and many oversee dozens over vast regions. Facility teams are generally responsible for cutting building costs and reducing energy use, but doing so is nearly impossible without direct access to energy usage data and the right set of energy reduction tools.

Building automation technology can simplify building data and help facility teams make smart energy usage decisions based on actual building trends and across multiple locations.

img_aspectft02bFacility Managers Need To Be Connected Via a Smartphone or Tablet

Facility managers are constantly on the go, dealing with a variety of issues at any number of locations. This means face time with desktops is limited. Fortunately, building automation technology can now be accessed from nearly any mobile device with a connection to the internet. Advanced Auto-Matrix is one of several manufactures using current mobile technology to put facility managers in direct control of building data with open-platform building automation solutions.

AspectFT Saves Time, Energy and Money

Facilities cost companies money and most are constantly looking for ways to reduce facility costs. Reducing energy use is a great long-term way for a company to save money and have less impact on the environment. AspectFT is a building automation and energy solution that uses HTML5 to give facility managers access to building data and trends and allows them the make energy adjustments from nearly any mobile device.

This video gives a brief overview of how AspectFT integrates with buildings to provide information easier, faster and on a variety of devices:

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Imagine being able to set a conference room to adjust itself for an upcoming meeting simply by setting up a calendar event in Microsoft Outlook? Think of the energy being saved without alerting people to the complex BAS implementations going on behind the scenes. AspectFT integrates with Twitter, RSS, email, Google Calendar™, Microsoft Outlook, and Apple iCal and allows user interface through any of the major web browsers, meaning facility managers can access data using just about any device they want, like a phone or tablet.

screen2vSTAT for Temperature Control and More

You’re driving down the road and start getting complaints that air temperatures are rising on the third floor. People are distracted from their responsibilities and the company is losing productivity as a result of the distraction. With a mobile app like vSTAT, facility managers can adjust a specific zone with a click of a button from their smart phone.

Due to the competitive nature of open platform systems, a variety of building automation solutions are available from various BAS manufacturers. Every BAS solution recommended by Mid-Atlantic Controls depends entirely on the client’s unique needs and budget and could include any variety of BAS manufacturers. Contact us if you’d like to learn more about giving your facilities team access to real-time building data and control or would like to learn more about one of the building automation solutions offered by Advanced Auto-Matrix.

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